I get love letters. I get death threats. Out here in Canada’s Wild West, cold cash and brute force have mostly succeeded in subduing the land and anyone who tries to defend it.

Until now. The bullies have met their match.


Highlights from the archive:

I’m No Action Hero
Hate Mail from Haters
Let Them Eat Condos
Great Bear Rainforest: The Clearcut Truth
Kwakiutl: We are Going to Start Fighting
Interview with the Earth Liberation Front
Squat or Die
Why My Dad Killed Himself
How to Oppress Men
Derrick Jensen: This Abusive Civilization
First Nations Activist Dies After Release from Jail
Earth Day Mini-Riot
Vancouver Island Hippies: Top Security Threat for 2010?
Assplode Therapy
Road Kill: Highway Construction Blocked by Protesting “Raccoons”
Live Nude Animals
Dumb Asses Run Our Province

More about me here.



Filed under Zoe Blunt

3 Responses to

  1. Ken Showers

    Hi, I read your piece here, and can’t fathom why you are complaining about the release of Happy Valley land from the ALR. We have a small 2.5 acre parcel, and after a professional land assessment report showing part of it unfarmable, the other at the lowest end of the scale, it was still turned down by the ALR. The place only amounts to a house with a large backyard, certainly not in any way a productive farm possibility.

    So whats your beef , or do you just want to look at some nice grass at another persons expense?

  2. “I read your piece here”

    No, I don’t think you did. Try reading it again more slowly.

    “it was still turned down by the ALR”

    I assume you mean you tried to have your property removed from the ALR so you could sell it for development. You failed. Good – the system works.

    “So whats your beef”

    Try reading the article again, paying attention to the parts that mention the local food movement, food security, the dwindling supply of arable land, conflicts of interest, and abuse of process in land-use decisions. Maybe things will become clearer.

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